Saturday, May 3, 2014

Mama Namibia by Mari Serebrov /Friday 56 and Book Beginnings

"Most of them have been in South West Africa for years. Some of them stayed after their army service ended, many of the younger ones were born here. A group of women, Herero prisoners, are washing clothes for the soldiers. Some of the women are fully clothed in long cotton dresses, the others, covered from head to foot in some kind of reddish paste, are in what must be their traditional dress. Leather aprons hang from their waist in both the front and back. Except for an assortment of beads, their chests are bare. ..Beaded hide bands or copper rings encase their wrists and ankles. Altogether, their dress is both regal and curious."

Mama Namibia



"I wave at the morning sun peeping over the mountains....I run to the kraal to help her get sour milk. Mama's belly is big with a baby so she walks slowly. Her bangles and iron beads make music when she walks. I want bangles. But I have to wait until I'm a woman. I have beads on my skirt. And in my hair. They don't make music like Mama's beads."


  1. Sounds like an epic story. I really love that cover too!

    Happy weekend Tea!

  2. Beautiful beginning. Wonderful imagery.


    Silver's Reviews
    My It's Monday, What Are You Reading

  3. Sounds like a great insight into another culture.

  4. First time I have come across this title - very interesting.

  5. I bet you're finished with this one by now. I hope it was terrific!

  6. Definitely sounds like something I would read; thanks for sharing! :)

  7. I loved in Africa. This quote brought back memories. Thank you.


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